Monday, May 19, 2014

Family History Final

In Emerging Technologies, we were asked to complete a final project that focused on our family history.While completing this project, I realized how little I knew about my family history, and decided to go more in depth and do more research to learn more. I started with my interview questions. I interviewed my dad's mother, and my mother's mother, and they both gave me good information, mostly about themselves. Secondly, I wrote an email to my grandma, asking her for even more information about our family history. Next, I started on my Family Echo, which is basically just a simple tree of my family. After completing my Family Echo, I went a little more in depth with my Prezi, which includes deeper information and pictures. My info-graphic made on Pictochart, features statistics and interesting information about my family.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5

I thought that the video we watched was very truthful, and showed a realistic insight to the real world, which is consumed by technology. I have always thought people used their phones too much, and everyday it seems like we get more and more involved with things like facebook and twitter, and don't notice that life is happening just outside of your phone or tablet.